Forgot to mention my road to Regenerative Blockchain tech began with an initiative for a Regenerative AI which I’d very much like to discuss with you as well. Here’s a link to the protocol or what I called the Prime Directive: https://link.medium.com/c2kzYIACocb I was the first to coin the term in the context of living systems and biosphere life-support systems!

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Hi Rand, Kyle here (@REOS_Kyle on Twitter) If you are interested in creating a DeepTech fund might I suggest one dedicated to ReFi (what I’ve DeFi 3.0) or Regenerative Finance. For which I’d like to put myself forward as lead researcher and scout. I believe that over the next two years ReFi will not only turn the whole of blockchain regenerative (by design) but will also seed the new protocols and cross-chain integrations that will serve as the foundation and intrastructure for an entirely new, regenerative, restorative and ciruclar global econony. REOS, the Regenerative Economics Operating System, will be a part of this, which in turn will be part of #TheGreatRegeneration. This is the ultimate DeepTech play! If this sparks your curiousity I’d be keen to dive deeper into the subject to define the opportunity more clearly. I’m Reos13 on Telegram and khence@icloud.com. All my best, Kyle

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